Now available for tourists, neighbours and commerces our platform. It will be exclusively dedicated in offering latest information about Orihuela Costa. You can't lost this opportunity. Stay tuned.
Our purpose is to create an application for mobile devices and a website to visit beaches, restaurants, cultural events, beach states, weather ... As well as serving all the public services that a visitor needs.
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This platform will have...
Versions for , smartphones and website.
Both applications and website will be 100% optimized, easy to use and a great user expirience.
All information will be dynamic, updated everyday and in real time.
A simple and beautiful and effective interface. You're going to love it.
All you need, unifyed and well organized
All contents will be meticulously organized and categorized, served in a simple interface.
The application will provide updated weather information in real time.
A complete integration with Google Maps to make easy arrive to locations.
We will have a community in social networks, which will complement and help keep all the information updated, new events ....
All public services at a click, such as: Police, Civil Guard, Ambulance ...
Local festivities programs, markets, tapas routes, wine tastings ... All in one application.
We want to promote local commerces, create a good atmosphere among the shops in the area, make promotions...
We will add new functionalities.
A platform where you can know and enter an exclusive group of local businesses. You can share ideas, because we are open to any kind of proposal to improve our idea and continue working on it.